I continue to experiment with poetry — and, to my delight, I keep finding some success with it.

I forgot to post it here a year ago, but Cathexis Northwest Press published my poem Train in their October 2022 issue.

And, more recently, I had a poem entitled The Light Bringer published in Gabby & Min’s Literary Review. I am proud of all of these creative works — which still, in a lot of ways, feel strange and new to me. I’m using the word experiment for a reason.

Poetry has not come easily to me. I’m not sure any writing comes easily to anyone. But I have enjoyed it, am enjoying trying new things. Like any writing, some I look back on and I cringe a little — some of it I keep and play around with until it… well, feels right.

I suspect this is the key to poetry, which, as best I can tell, seems to be the sort of lawless wasteland of words and storytelling. Punctuation? Capitalization? Rhyme? Meter? Who needs it. It’s a free-form place where the only rule seems to be, tell a good story, or at least evoke a clear meaning or emotion.

Thanks for sticking with me on this strange journey. More good news with it coming down the pike soon.

And I hope more short stories en route as well.